Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sounds of a Wee Lady

All morning I'd been noticing that Wee M's babbling was sounding different.  It has always been the same as her cry, just in a happy tone - lots of aahhh's.  However, this morning it seemed to be taking on a more concentrated sound ... and finally around lunch we got a 'ga ga ga'.  It could have been 'da da da', but for the sake of the mama / dada wars, I'll say it was 'ga ga ga'.  ;)

Last night Wee M went from a laying down on her tummy position into sitting ... couldn't get her to do it for the camera though!  She also pulled herself up on the couch this morning ... again, no go for the camera.

Here are pictures of her trying to pull up, and immediately after our babble-fest.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Dock Days 2012

First trip to the US of A ... shopping, of course!


Wee M is not so wee any longer!  When we eat out at restaurants, she now sits up with us in a high chair :)

Sitting Up ... and other firsts!

I came in to get Wee M up from her nap this afternoon, and was greeted with a baby who was sitting up!!

Tonight was our first family wagon ride!  It was a bit of a struggle keeping them both sitting, but we managed.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Saturday, August 11, 2012


In the blink of an eye it's now the middle of August and we haven't yet had an August post!  A lot has changed in the last few weeks for Wee M.  Her sleeping is still hit and miss, but we're making progress.  She is no longer in a swaddle, and she has started to regularly take a morning nap around 9 or 10am and then one or two naps in the afternoon depending on the length of the morning nap.

I was incorrect in thinking the lady wasn't ready for solid food yet.  Turns out, she just doesn't like baby food and she want's to feed herself.  Give her chunks of cheese, tofu, blueberries, or Nutrio's and she'll eat more than you can believe! Just don't put a spoon near her mouth!  Her six teeth came in just in time.

She is doing very well sitting up and she is rocking forward as if to go into a full crawl.  Grammy noticed yesterday that on a few occasions she was able to push herself forward a little bit.  Mostly she goes backwards when she tries to go forward.  Right now she's happily bouncing away in her Jolly Jumper.  It's the first time she has tolerated it.

Her favourite activities are playing with stacking cups and pulling herself up in the laundry basket.  Her top friend is mummy.  Mummy's not allowed to leave a 5 foot radius of her, or else she has a little hissy fit.  Only way to stop the hissy fit is for Mummy to pick her up, or give her a fist full of Nutrio's!