Friday, February 15, 2013

Snack Time

Wee M is continuing to develop at a rapid pace!  She's content to sit up on chairs and is quite good at climbing up on things by herself as well as getting down.  While she wasn't as fast as Chippy in learning how to do these things, she has made sure not to do them until she was certain of her own safety!  She has rarely fallen and bumped her head while becoming mobile!  Speaking of which, she is now walking almost all the time - I'd say about 80% walking to 20% crawling.

She has also had a new tooth come in - she's up to 4 on the bottom.  This has caused a few restless nights, but she's on her way back to sleeping through the night (I hope!).

She has also started to interact a lot more with Chippy.  In the tub especially she likes to splash and see his reaction (he's usually not too happy about it), and she'll crawl around over him as well.

She's starting to become more vocal when she's displeased.  Especially around food, if she see's something she wants she'll cry until she gets it.

She continues to do well at daycare.  They moved her onto a cot at nap time as of Monday and she seems to be doing well on it.  Sean said that she always has lots of energy.  Today they had arrowroots for a snack and she wouldn't stop crying until they had given her one for each hand and then replaced the one she'd eaten so she always had two cookies!  That's my girl!

1 comment:

  1. Luv this pic of Wee M.....look at those pearly whites!!! Makes for a perfect smile!
