Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Wee M's contribution to daddy's birthday was to start operating on a schedule!  It's incredible ... no idea what the change is, but she is now only getting up twice a night, she's completely happy at daycare (even the drop off!), sleeps in her crib at night and naps, and she has a somewhat predictable schedule for the remainder of the day!  That's about the best birthday present ever!!


  1. Well it IS hard to outdo a homemade card, but I gotta imagine a good night's sleep is fairly magnificent!! Good thinking Wee Miss M!! That is a GREAT present for Daddy AND Mommy!!

  2. I was thinking that when you're really little and have a hard time with wrapping paper, a gift that requires little prep takes some ingenuity - and she's come up with a winner!!
    P.S. It looks like they're holding hands... >melt<
