Monday, September 3, 2012

Last Day of Freedom

Well, we've had our last day as a free girl!  Off to daycare tomorrow!!  And she's crawling just in time ... not a full out crawl, but she's found a way to inch forward when there's something she wants in front of her that's just out of reach!  Still jibber jabbering a storm ... and I have to concede that it is in fact 'dadada' ... arg.


  1. ahhhhh.... freedom is such a fleeting thing!! But no worries Mom and Dad, she'll be learning so much.... she'll be coming home in no time reciting "War and Peace".....never mind just an old "Dada" here and there!! Happy first day to all!!

  2. She looks like Mummy is that top picture, but wow! I really see Auntie Lorrie there too! I'm sure 'ma ma' will soon be in her repertoire........
