Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sounds of a Wee Lady

All morning I'd been noticing that Wee M's babbling was sounding different.  It has always been the same as her cry, just in a happy tone - lots of aahhh's.  However, this morning it seemed to be taking on a more concentrated sound ... and finally around lunch we got a 'ga ga ga'.  It could have been 'da da da', but for the sake of the mama / dada wars, I'll say it was 'ga ga ga'.  ;)

Last night Wee M went from a laying down on her tummy position into sitting ... couldn't get her to do it for the camera though!  She also pulled herself up on the couch this morning ... again, no go for the camera.

Here are pictures of her trying to pull up, and immediately after our babble-fest.


  1. Look at the eyelashes on that little lady! I'm sure there are movie stars who'd love to have lashes as long and thick as Wee M. has!

  2. Our wee Miss M is going to be yakking your ears off in no time!! She's really zooming along in her development... Having such a great big brother is bringing all the best out in her!
