Sunday, December 30, 2012

And She's Walking!!

Last night Wee M took her first real steps!  The trick is to keep her hands full so she can't hold on.  She goes about 5-6 steps and then falls forward in our lap!  Yeah for Wee M!

And, while we're on the topic of milestones, she recently went from 6 teeth to 9!  She has two top molars and one bottom molar which have come through.  The top ones are in a bit more than the bottom one.


  1. What a big girl......I thought she would be walking at Christmas......I was only 4 days off! And no wonder she was a bit out of sorts at times.....3 molars at once, that poor little muffin!

  2. What a wonderful way to bring the New Year in.....on the run!!! Mommy and Daddy better be on the look out with two busy little walkers.... it's gonna be a wild ride. And what amazing news about the teeth!! She gets them in bunches, doesn't she!!

  3. WOOOHOOO!!! Wow - that's a milestone timed perfectly for the new year! Maybe she and Isaac will be zooming around the livingroom just like Lucie and Isaac were at Christmas! Lookout!!!
