Friday, November 9, 2012

Water Girl

Chippette is proving to be quite the little water girl.  It started out a few months ago when she would lay down on her belly during her bath and play around in the water.  Now, it has progressed into falling backwards onto her back, using the side of the tub to break her fall, and splashing and splashing and splashing .... .  Sometimes the water gets into her eyes and mouth but she doesn't seem to care at all! She just keeps smiling and splashing and splashing ....... 


  1. Can't wait to get this little gal into the pool in Florida. Once she gets in, she may turn into a little prune before we get her out. She sure loves the water. I think Wee M. might stand for Wee Mermaid!

  2. Move over Micheal Phelps, Wee Miss M is on her way!! We know what sport is going to be HER sport!!!
