Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Because I'm Cute!

Tooth #4 (front left) is on it's way in.  Looks like #5 will arrive shortly. While she's been a bit more fussy, she slept 7 hours straight last night and had a 2 hour nap today (at the same time as her brother which is an added bonus)!  She loves her mum-mums, but that's about all she'll eat.  She has started to move around in a circle while sitting up.  If she wants something behind her, she can do the swivel dance!


  1. WOW!!! What a mouth full of chompers!! Even tho she's equipped to eat more, mum-mums and Mom's yum-yum will do for now.... she's growing like a weed. And yes, you're right....she IS adorable!!

  2. Those teeth are coming in fast and furious, aren't they? She will eventually figure out that they can be used for eating things other than rattles and stuffed toys! Keep up the big sleeps, Wee M.!
