Tuesday, July 31, 2012

6 Teeth!

They're coming fast now!  We're up to a 6 count of teeth!  Four on top and two on the bottom.
We're tired of trying cereal with the wee girl, so today I gave her tofu and blueberry pieces to feed herself - it was a hit!

Play date

Wow, what a great dress!  Is that from the
Spring Gap collection 2012?

Good eye - it sure is!
You have a nice necklace - can I have it?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Because I'm Cute!

Tooth #4 (front left) is on it's way in.  Looks like #5 will arrive shortly. While she's been a bit more fussy, she slept 7 hours straight last night and had a 2 hour nap today (at the same time as her brother which is an added bonus)!  She loves her mum-mums, but that's about all she'll eat.  She has started to move around in a circle while sitting up.  If she wants something behind her, she can do the swivel dance!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Picture Time!

Yesterday was the first day in a few weeks where the lady and I have been alone - so we took pictures!

Crib Lowering Ceremony

With her proven ability to pull-up ... the crib has been lowered!

She's finally sleeping without the swaddle.  With the heat we've decided just to put her down without it.  It was a bit of a struggle at first - but seems to be working okay now!  She has had 2 nights in a row with 4 hour snoozes in her crib without getting up!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy 7 Months!

Wee M turned 7 months old today!  Among her accomplishments to date include growing a third tooth!  Miss Grouchy is currently working on her upper right lateral incisor, which has led to a few sleepless nights.  She still doesn't enjoy food, but we keep trying.  Today was yogourt - see below.  She's become expert in grabbing for things that she wants, including toys, noses, and hair.  In the bath she leans forward and grabs onto the front of the tub.  It's like she's thinking of pulling up but just isn't coordinated enough to do it yet.  She is very vocal ... Bubba and M were singing to each other in the mirror today.

Since Bubba/Gampy arrived, we have been going for nightly walks down by the water.  With the Buskers Festival currently on, Wee M tried her hand at being a juggling busker :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mum Mum

While Wee M still doesn't like being fed that much (although she has gotten the hang of swallowing), she doesn't seem to mind feeding herself crackers!

Monday, July 2, 2012