What a weekend for the wee lady! Her bottom left toothy-tooth has won the race to the surface and broke through the skin today. No picture as it is still quite small.
Other advancements include taking the bottle from Grammy this afternoon while Mummy and Daddy had an afternoon out. Conveniently Mummy has already given away her VIP Tragically Hip tickets on the basis that Wee M wouldn't take a bottle.
She is also sitting up a bit better - Mummy even left the room for a few seconds while she was sitting and she didn't topple over! On top of that, she was standing while supporting herself on my arm and on a toy. She's still wibbly wobbly but it's definitely a good start!
Napping is going better during the day. On most occasions when she is visibly tired, we can put her down in the swaddle, tucked against the side of the crib, binky in, one tug of the elephant tail music, and stroke her cheek... and just like that - she's asleep! Still working on night time sleeping.
Pop's little Princess had an AWESOME weekend.... And I'm sure Grammy and Pops did too!!! That is pretty spectacular to have a new tooth at 6 months and might explain why night time sleeps aren't the best right now! Time sure is flying by....