Friday, March 2, 2012

March Update

It has been a pretty quiet week.  Quiet in more ways than one!  Wee M seems to have gotten over her crying days!  Or maybe we have just finally figured out how she wants her day structured.  She is very aware during her awake times, and will move her hands (in jerky movements) to hit the animals on her chair.  She will sit happily for longer stretches of time either in her chair or swing and will give big happy smiles on request (unless she's having a fussy moment).  She is generally happiest in the morning. She is still a good sleeper going from about 8pm until 2-3am, then again until 5:30-6:00am.  That is unless she happens to break free of her swaddle ... one hand out generally means she'll be up between 12:00am and 1:00am.  She is growing quickly ... I'll be cleaning out her drawers in the next few days to make way for 3-6 month clothes.  All in all, she's a good little Miss M!

1 comment:

  1. WOW..... she really is loosing that newborn look and becoming a lovely, chubby healthy girl!! The precious smile really does look like she's soooo content with life!!
