Thursday, March 22, 2012


It seems like Wee M's good sleeping days are over - at least the ones in her crib!  She seems content enough to sleep anywhere but the crib!  Her best sleep nowadays is in her car seat, which means lots of midnight car rides with dad!  However, this morning she one upped herself by falling asleep in her jumpy chair after being awake since 4am!  Last night we snuck into Toys 'R' Us right before it closed and picked up a flashy aquarium singing bubbling toy that is supposed to put babies to sleep.  Thus far, Wee M - 1; flashy fishy aquarium singing bubbling toy - 0.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rolling Over

Miss M, upon deciding she had had enough of tummy time, rolled herself over onto her back...twice!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Forward Facing M

Now that the young lady is 3 months old, we decided it was time we put our neck skills to the test.  First test was the forward facing Bjorn ... check.  Next was the Bumbo ... sort of check.  Finally we have the jumpy thingy ... check!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

M's Musical Milestone

As of 10 minutes ago, Wee M has, by herself, turned on the musical dog on her bouncy chair!

Friday, March 2, 2012

March Update

It has been a pretty quiet week.  Quiet in more ways than one!  Wee M seems to have gotten over her crying days!  Or maybe we have just finally figured out how she wants her day structured.  She is very aware during her awake times, and will move her hands (in jerky movements) to hit the animals on her chair.  She will sit happily for longer stretches of time either in her chair or swing and will give big happy smiles on request (unless she's having a fussy moment).  She is generally happiest in the morning. She is still a good sleeper going from about 8pm until 2-3am, then again until 5:30-6:00am.  That is unless she happens to break free of her swaddle ... one hand out generally means she'll be up between 12:00am and 1:00am.  She is growing quickly ... I'll be cleaning out her drawers in the next few days to make way for 3-6 month clothes.  All in all, she's a good little Miss M!