Friday, July 26, 2013


Wee M and Mummy gave Nana a visit today while Chippy was out on an expotition!  She's a bit shy about having her picture taken with Nana ... this is the best we could do!  She wasn't shy though about eating her out of blueberries and hiding her mints!

Spa Day with Mummy

What will hopefully be the first of many!!

Wee M's moods have been improving somewhat over the past few days.  We think it's still down to her teeth.  The top two are progressing nicely, but the bottom two are still just poking out -- about where they were a month ago!  Her hands are in her mouth a lot which must be an indication of her discomfort.  

Wee M's language skills are really coming along well.  She is understanding a lot of what we say - following almost all the simple instructions that we give (i.e. put this in the garbage, give this to Nana, go find Owl).  She is repeating back almost any word that you ask her to.  When spinning her in the swing this afternoon I asked if she was 'all done'; she said 'no, no, no, no, no!' shaking her head vigorously.  Followed by big nods and 'again! again!'!!  Finally after about 15 twirls, including one that was a little too fast, she concedes with a weary 'all done'!

Her sense of style is also starting to show.  In the past day or two she has started to show her disgust when I don't choose the right outfit for her to wear.  And, while in Walmart looking for a smaller pair of water shoes she had a complete fit when I wouldn't buy her the pink neon shoes and suggested a pair of  boys sandals (which were the only ones that would fit her feet).  She picked them out of the cart and threw them on the ground.  Oh bother!

She's pretty liberal with her big blowie kisses, giving them out to pretty much anyone who will ask for one!  Daddy gets lots over our Skype calls! Mummy asks for 'kisses for mummy' and her lips all scrunch up and I get little kisses - so cute :)

The Animal Farm

Wee M loved the animal farm ... perhaps a future vet?


Grammy and Auntie Cindy went to town making matching clothes for Bean, Wee M, and their Stella dolls!

Ring a Round the Rosie

Post ice cream - Ring a Round the Rosie

Who says I'm messy?  Did you see the size
of my ice cream?

Is that slice I threw up there going to fall on me or Grammy?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Children's Museum

Off to the children's museum yesterday to catch up with Aunt Elaine!

Passing the days ...

When Wee M can't be found, first check the kitchen to see if she is sneaking handfuls of cereal from the  corner cupboard!  Breakfast this morning was 3 adult sized bowls of Rice Krispies and she just carries on from there!

Great Grandpa Don's box of doors!

Happy to have Daddy home!

Waiting to cheer on the runners of the River Run!


This girl loves her animals! Very happy
to watch the animals and feed them carrots!
Bow wearing - compliments of Auntie Lorri!

Loved the rides!

Visiting Big Bubba

Friday, July 12, 2013

Summer so far ...


She is loving her little Wow toys ... the little
cars and 'drivers' are likely her favourite
next to 'Owl'. She can spend a lot of time in the
car putting the driver in and out ... in and out...

She's a little water girl!  

First skinned knees ... while going for a walk!
It's okay though, Uncle Marc was around to
do first aid!

Help with the jungle gym!

Greenview Aviaries

To the tiger in the zoo... Maisie just says pooh-pooh!

Not sure about the balls....

Score one for the slide!

Yup, this is my favourite!!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

18 Month Appointment

Wee M had her 18 month doctors appointment last week where she got her 5 in 1 shot.  Not a happy camper at first, but she got over it pretty quickly.  When her stats were taken she was a bit squirmy with the head measurement so I know that one was a bit small:

Head:  49.5 cm
Length:  85 cm
Weight:  10.5kg (23 lbs)

On another high note, the mummy wars have been won and she finally knows who I am!  She is fluent in mama, mommy, and 'mama are you?'!

Happy Canada Day!