1. See loves to play dress up
2. She loves her brother
3. She likes to dance
4. She likes Chippy's bicycle and riding on things
5. She loves shoes and hats
6. She loves animals ... If they don't get too close. She starts going nuts when she sees squirrels, ducks, rabbits, etc.
7. She will happily hold your hand and go for a long walk
8. She loves to point out body parts
9. She seems to love the water
10. She loves snacking
11. She loves breakfast - normally having 3-4 bowls of Nutrios and Rice Krispies with fruit and milk
12. She likes to throw things
13. She loves her dollie, her owl, and her blanket when she sleeps
A few other things too:
1. She will cry if she doesn't get her way
2. She is starting to have consonant sounds in her speech
3. Her diet still consists of food from a bag for the most part ... I don't think she has yet touched a real vegetable even though we give her one most meals
4. She still hasn't picked up a love of reading. She has a few books that are touchy feely that she tolerates, but that's about it.
5. She doesn't sit still very often and It's hard to catch her in a mood where she will look you in the eyes for more than a few seconds
6. She really doesn't have a sleep pattern. Some days she has one nap, others she has two
7. She knows her opposites like on and off, and open and closed