So, turns out she might be human after all! In the last week she has changed dramatically. She enjoys playing with her brother (sometimes) ... below they have a game where Wee M stands at one end of the bed with Chippy at the other and Chippy jumps up and down making Wee M bounce. She then tries to imitate. Daycare has had glowing reports over the last few days about how well she's eating. No kidding, but today she had 4 helpings of Beef & Noodle soup. She still insists on feeding herself, but she's actually eating. Even here, she still has the main menu of 10-15 things that she'll eat, but she is happy to pick away at her meal for a good hour. We now put her in her high chair about 20 minutes before we eat, and then she continues to eat while we clean up! We finally ditched the sippy cup as she never got the hang of it. We're full time on a cup with a straw and she's drinking a lot more now. Sleeping is still not great - she's a light sleeper again, but she's alternating between getting up once or twice which is an improvement. Above all that, she's actually happy - sometimes!!

I almost forgot .. she has a favourite book! It's one of the Matthew van Fleet books - Cats. I tried to read her good night moon tonight, but she would have none of it. The only book she will read (and really, has shown any interest in) is this book. There is a ball that squeaks when you push on it and she will flip the pages until she finds it and squeak it with her little finger. Then there's a cat that can be pulled out of a boot and she loves to play peek-a-boo with it.